Help Cure Diabetes

There are many things in life that give me warm fuzzies. One of them is the overwhelming feeling of love and support I get when I tell people about type 1 diabetes, and then they ask me how they can help.

See, there is no cure for type 1 diabetes. It cannot be controlled through diet and exercise. I have to take insulin. Without it, I die. Insulin is not a cure.

There are so many ways YOU can help me, my kids, my grand kids, my great grand kids, etc….live a diabetes free life.  JDRF is the largest sponsor of type 1 diabetes research. They rely heavily on funding from the community to continue research.

There are so many events and ways to get involved! There’s Walks, Rides, Galas, Golf Tournaments…but if you don’t have time, or if you are just a super introvert, you can always donate a few bucks. Every single little penny helps. I’m not good at math, but if everyone in the world donated one penny to type 1 research…well..that would be a lot of money.

To help…click here.

Thank you for your generosity. It’s things like this that give me hope for a bright, and diabetes-free future!


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