Being Thankful in Your Relationship

Relationships are, hands down, like, the best thing ever.

Relationships are also, hands down, like, the hardest thing ever.

Anything worth having is going to be difficult. It’s going to take work.

Ask anyone who built their dream home. Was it easy? Did you work, shift things around, and change things more often than you’d like, to make sure this home you will be spending the rest of your life in was nothing less than perfect?

Your relationship is your dream home.


If you are in it for the long haul, you are going to need to plan, prepare, compromise, and probably spend more money than you were expecting. (Ha…ha…)

Your relationship is your shelter. Somewhere you want to feel safe. Somewhere that’s lovely and comfortable. Somewhere where you can be yourself truly.

The getting there? That’s difficult. That takes work. But the awesome part? It is TOTALLY worth it.

But how do you do it?

There are no less than a bazillion ways to work in your relationship, but I think at this time of year it is appropriate to talk about this particular way:

Be Thankful.


Be thankful for your spouse, girlfriend, manfriend, or whatever you call your significant other.

That person gives you their ears when you have something to say. That person is your life vest when you are drowning.That person gives you their heart willingly, every day, just because they want to.

That person does so much that is easily overlooked because it is expected. Should those people provide listening ears and an open heart? Of course! But that does not mean we should not be grateful they choose to provide those things to US.

Be thankful in your words and your actions for everything your person does. IT IS SO EASY! Seriously, taking a couple of minutes out of your day can mean the world.

Write a note. It doesn’t have to be long or fancy, as long as its from the heart.

Buy their favorite candy bar on the way home.

Do a chore they particularly hate doing.

Or hey, just simply say “thank you.”

Little things grow into stronger bonds. Stronger connections. And you are going to need that solidity during your rough patches.

I will take a moment to brag on my fiancé, Brett. He,very consistently, for the 2 years we have been together, tells me how much I mean to him. He physically speaks the words. He writes them to me. He shows it in his actions. And it is one of the bajillionty reasons I love him more than I ever thought I could love a Cubs fan. 🙂


How do you show your significant other you are thankful for them? What are some things your significant other has done for you that left you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside? Share in the comments below. I want to know!


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