The “Other” Category

In a previous post, I talked about encouraging others, specifically, those closest to you. But today, I want to talk about those in the “other” category.

These people would be your co-workers you don’t know that well, your friendly bank teller that is almost as happy as you are when you get to deposit your check on Fridays, and that barista that knows your drink order by heart because you have a caffeine addiction and go to that shop way too much.


But coffee is sooooooo beautiful and delicious…

They could even be complete strangers.

A few months ago, I was picking up my insulin prescription at Walgreens. The tech looked to be around my age. (Maybe a little younger, but I am horrible at guessing ages. He could have been 17 or 55 for all I know.)

He said “Is this prescription for you?”

“Sure is,” I answered.

He had a sympathetic look on his face, and in a soft voice said “Oh, I’m sorry. I don’t personally know anyone who has type 1, but I do know hard it can be.”

After he rang me up and handed me my Rx, he said “Take care of yourself…and…I’m proud of you.”


I started to get misty eyed. Here was a complete stranger, who in a matter of a  3 minute interaction changed my whole day. He didn’t know me at all, yet he acknowledged a battle I fight daily, and filled up my “encouragement” tank.

A complete stranger.

He probably doesn’t remember who I am, or what he said, but that is an interaction I will not easily forget.

We are not “obligated” to pat strangers on the back, or tell them how awesome they are. They won’t send us angry texts, or give us the cold shoulder at home if we don’t tell them how fantastic their PowerPoint for the work meeting was.

But, dang. It feels good, doesn’t it?

The funny thing about offering kind words to other people, is that it makes YOU feel good, too.

“I just feel really crappy after all of the compliments I gave. Their smiles and excitement just really got me down.” -SAID NO ONE EVER.

This week I had blood drawn at my doctor’s office. The nurse was AMAZING and I didn’t feel a thing. I told her she was awesome and I hope she never ever leaves.

Who’s day can you brighten? Who’s week can you change? It doesn’t take long, and the impact is long-lasting. Plus its fun making other people happy. 🙂


It’s fun (and super cute) to make animals happy, too 🙂



2 thoughts on “The “Other” Category

  1. The other day at the grocery story, a lady was walking toward me down the aisle. She said, “Those glasses look really nice on you! Very flattering!” Whoa. Out-of-the-blue compliment from a stranger? Simultaneously weird and nice.

    I’m really good an encouraging strangers/semi-strangers via online methods, but just to speak up in a grocery store or somewhere like that is not something I’m comfortable with. Maybe I should work on that.

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