A Note on Encouragement

Sometimes, the people we need encouragement from the most, are those that think we already know just how awesome we are.

A couple of weeks ago, I was thinking about encouragement. It is something we all need, crave, and desire, although sometimes we don’t like to admit it. (Especially me, miss independent…..go ahead. Sing the Kelly Clarkson song. I won’t judge you.)

I started thinking about my friends especially, who are beautifully talented, intelligent, and genuine. I thought “I don’t tell them how awesome they are enough.”

The next day I got an email from one of my best friends. (Her name is Monica, and you saw her beautiful picture in the post before this.)

It was simple. It was two lines. But it completely changed my day and week. It was a sweet note of encouragement and love, and it was exactly what I needed. (I told you my friends were awesome.)

I am a confident person, and can fool a lot of you into thinking I have it all together. But the truth is, sometimes I crumble inside, and think my life is going nowhere. Sometimes I think I’m an unproductive human being just taking up space and air that could be used for bigger and better things.

But something I’ve come to fully realize lately, is that I’m not alone.

There are other people out there just like me, who wish people could see the daily struggles they endure. The disease they have that’s not externally visible. The boyfriend they have that is verbally abusive. The wife they take care of because she is depressed. The homework that’s piling up due to classes at night.

Sometimes we just want someone to tell us they are proud of us.

But how easy it is to forget, that other people crave that, too.

So do this. Get out your phone. Pull up your email. Send someone a message of encouragement. Your husband, your best friend, your babysitter…anyone. I promise you, two sentences and 60 seconds of your time will mean the world to that person.

(Here’s a funny consequence…..you’ll feel better, too.)


Yes, I did use a Ryan meme. They always help ME. 🙂 (via Pinterest)


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