Warm Fuzzies in A Wine Bar

Last night, I was in a room full of 30-40 dream chasers, earth shakers, do-ers, and movers.

The whole night, I felt nothing but warm fuzzies! My heart, my mind, my soul…they were all tingly with excitement!

And the best part?

I helped make that happen.

For those of you that don’t know, I am participating in what is called The START experiment, based on the book START, by Jon Acuff. Check out those links if you don’t know what I’m talking about. They will change your life.

My START Experiment partner, Becca, and I wanted to have meet up for those of us in the area. We also thought….“How do we get Jon here?”

The answer is: you post several desperate photos pleading for your fearless leader to attend, and then you plaster them on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. And BAM. He shows up!

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One of the guys from Jon’s team came to hang out with us, too! So cool!

Side Note: We held this at JJ’s Wine Bar in downtown Franklin. (Which may be a complete different reason for the warm, fuzzy feelings!) It was a cute spot, and the staff was very nice. I highly recommend!

Here’s the thing. I have produced conferences for 100+ people.

I have helped with events for over 2,000 people.

I have organized, and planned all of my life.

And this little meet-up, with 30-40 people, is what I am the most proud of.

I didn’t feel warm fuzzies after a successful Legal Education seminar. Sure, I was proud, but it didn’t make me say “Gaaaaahhhh I just want to plan CLE seminars for the rest of my LIFE!”

But this? This is what I’m passionate about. Meeting people. Talking about dreams and goals and accomplishments. Making people feel welcome, inspired, and confident. Seeing people get excited, and seeing them realize that they don’t have to live a life of average anymore.

I don’t think I stopped smiling the whole night!

I am super glad I got to meet so many amazing people last night! It’s motivating for me. If you were there, I hope it was motivating for you, too. Becca and I can’t wait to plan more events for everyone!


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So let me ask you…what gets you excited? What do you daydream about behind your computer screen in your cubicle? And why aren’t you doing something about it?


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